Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit

Starting this blog mid-text clearly won't result in the most comprehensive coverage of the Phenomenology, but backtracking extensively in this dense text is far too daunting of a task for Post #1. Instead of attempting such a project, I will provide below a bare-bones summary of the broad moves I take Hegel to be making in A. Consciousness - BB. Spirit (§90-438), and then continue with more in-depth postings thereafter. Constructive comments elaborating on the early sections of the book will be highly appreciated. All analysis is done from the A.V. Miller/J.N. Findlay publication. If you do not have this version check out the text and Findlay's commentary, as well as tons of other helpful Hegel info at the Marxist Internet Archive.

For quick starting points and references on Hegel and the Phenomenology, check out the Stanford Encyclopedia, EpistemeLinks' recommendation - an introduction by Prof. Eric Steinhart, or the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

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